This is my brand spanking new nephew, Bryce Scott Hopkins, born to my brother and sister-in-law Derrick and Kelly. He was born November 2nd, 2008 around 2:45 pm. He is so cute! He weighs in at a whopping 5 lbs 14 oz and is 20 inches long. He has blonde hair (as you can probably tell) and is just so dang adorable.
The delivery was a little rough, however. With every contraction his heart rate would drop from around 148 to 70 - which is really dangerous. Once it had dropped and staye
d at around 58 bpm, the doctors decided to do a c-section. It definitely scared us. However, mom and baby are just fine, and dad is very proud of his son.
Grandpa actually held his darling new grandson, a feat we were all impressed with, especially since he's never held a baby lighter than 7 lbs. They were best friends at first sight. Everyone was very excited to welcome little Bryce into our crazy family, and we can't wait to get to know him a little better.
Congrats to your family! I'm so glad you left a comment on our blog. I've been thinking of your family alot lately and was just wondering how you were all doing. Tell your family hi for me and feel free to peek in on us at anytime!
Babies are so wonderful! Wow what a "surprise" another Hopkins boy. Isn't that the only flavor your brothers make? Oh yeah, there is one sweet little gal, isn't there. I'm so happy for you all. Tell Kelly to take it easy & Congratulations :)
Yay! Congratulations! I love babies. Ha ha.
5 pounds?? That's like tiny for you guys! Just like 7-8 pounds is big for us, ha ha.
You know, when Joey was born, they had that same problem where is heart rate would drop. It was scary!! I think it had something to do with the umbilical cord or something...
Yay for a new nephew! Congrats! I'm glad you found my we can keep up with each other! I did have another one. I was really pregnant before we moved, but you probably just forgot. :) She was born at the end of August and her name is Ellenie. She was 5 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 in. long. Also born with blonde hair. We like her!
Congratulations to all you guys!! Does she need any help, food etc? I would love to help out if needed! I remember what that emergency c-section does to a gal!
oh my gosh that is so exciting! So cute! I love all that blonde hair!
And I love your family picture... your family is growing sooo fast!
Lindsay looks so grown up... I can't believe it.
Happy Birthday!
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