This is my brand spanking new nephew, Bryce Scott Hopkins, born to my brother and sister-in-law Derrick and Kelly. He was born November 2nd, 2008 around 2:45 pm. He is so cute! He weighs in at a whopping 5 lbs 14 oz and is 20 inches long. He has blonde hair (as you can probably tell) and is just so dang adorable.
The delivery was a little rough, however. With every contraction his heart rate would drop from around 148 to 70 - which is really dangerous. Once it had dropped and staye
d at around 58 bpm, the doctors decided to do a c-section. It definitely scared us. However, mom and baby are just fine, and dad is very proud of his son.
Grandpa actually held his darling new grandson, a feat we were all impressed with, especially since he's never held a baby lighter than 7 lbs. They were best friends at first sight. Everyone was very excited to welcome little Bryce into our crazy family, and we can't wait to get to know him a little better.