Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Now?!?!

Since I graduated, not much has been going on. I got a second job at GNL Air conditioning and Heating as a receptionist, and I continue to work at Good Earth Natural Foods as a cashier. I love both jobs and plan on staying on for as long as I can. I'm not enrolled in school, but plan to be by fall of next year. Hopefully by then I will have saved enough money :D I'm also in the singles ward in my stake, and I'm really enjoying that. John Rowe is the branch president if you know him. I also have a calling as the compassionate service leader. I feel WAY too young, but I'm liking it so far. Most of the people in my ward are 25 and up so it's nice to feel young for once. Other than that, life is going slow. I'm leaving for a trip to Logan tomorrow, where we will be camping, boating, and FREEZING. But I'm excited :D Hopefully it won't be too cold. Anyways, that's all I've got for now but I'll be sure to write more when I get back! Love sharise


Amber Jane said...

On that note, I have a blog too. And so does Mirielle, Shannon, and Colby. You can find links to their blogs from my blog. Just click my name ^^

Anonymous said...

hey nice to see you have joined the creative world of bloging. if you ever need help going anything on your blog call me (i love doing stuff like this).

Amber Jane said...

Just a note, your blog is called "Hopkins Family" I'm assuming it's not a family blog... right? You might consider changing it. Unless you blog about the doings of the entire Hopkins Family (almost said "hogwarts family") then it makes sense. Wow, I'm rambling. So what else is new?

Beth schell said...

I'm so happy to hear how you are! I miss Provo dearly. Wow, two jobs... that sounds like a lot of work. I know you're trying to save $$$ but you are invited here if you ever want to come to the lone star state!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are a COOL, YOUNG, GREEN and imminently SMART (college)lass.

What a life! Exciting days today and exciting days ahead. Thanks for the update. Go blog your brains out.

I'll be by to pick up some wholegrain, organic, untouched by human hand irish oats today... if it's not green, it's not me.

(Shamrock? That's "Trek Pop" to you.)

Dead Poet said...

"Most of the people in my ward are 25 and up so it's nice to feel young for once."

That's good, because you are SO FREAKIN' OLD!!!!

